One of our concerns was how our dogs Digger and Shadow would behave within close quarters of the chooks. Much to the relief of everybody, including the chooks, they've been very well behaved and all seem comfortable within each other's company.
When we started to realise how much chooks actually eat, I knew we'd never be able to keep up with their insatiable appetites and we didn't want to rely totally on pellets, so we decided to approach our local green grocer for scrap greens and anything else suitable they were throwing out. It seems that I'm not the only one taking advantage of the enormous volume of fruit and vegetable waste that gets dumped each day as they keep prepared boxes out in the back cool room so I just swap the box over each time. On the days I've missed out, they're more than happy for me to go through the bins stored under the shelves in the shop. It's where the offcuts are thrown as the shelves are packed and presented for sale and there's lots of goodies in there.
For some time I'd been thinking about creating a temporary release area for them and finally came up with the simple idea to use cheap hessian and star pickets. We already had a stack of stakes and the hessian was about $35 for 10 metres, 2.8m wide.
After belting the stakes into the ground and cutting the hessian into 2 strips 1.4m wide, it was easy to temporarily attached the material to the stakes with some string. We propped a folding wire gate that Chris found in the October Council cleanup against two of the stakes as a door and within about 10 minutes, we created a pretty neat, simple but effective day release area. We call it the 'Summer Palace'.
That is of course until Noodle Houdini discovered she could go under the hessian where it was loose and before I knew it the two of them were making a B-line for chook Xanadu, our herb garden!
One of my colleagues, Dani is a brilliant animal behaviourist and ran a city farm in Sydney for many years. At one stage she was required to breed chickens for demonstration purposes and after a while became quite an expert on chook behaviour. When I told her we were getting a couple of chooks the first thing she told me was that I'd have to train them to follow me so that I'd always be sure they'd come when I called them, especially given we don't have fences. Well I've learnt that chooks don't just take off like a dog on a scent, unless of course there's a dog on their scent, but they can get easily distracted in their hunt for food and before you know it they can be a few garden beds away, buried up to their ears in worms. So Dani's simple instruction was to get a small shaker, like an empty drink bottle, fill it with a special seed mix, and whenever you need to get their attention, shake the bottle and call 'chook, chook, chookie' or something like that.
The actual egg count should be at least 63 eggs in 6 weeks as we've discovered 2 remnant egg shells: one in the Summer Palace and one on a ledge in the Chook Nook. We must have missed the one in the Palais which I found sitting under the little compost tumbler. It seemed to have collapsed with all the rain we've had this week. But I'm particularly suspicious of the one I found yesterday in the Chook Nook as it had sneaky rat fink written all over it. I suspect it's a little native rattus fuscipes or bush rat because he's managed to carry the egg about a metre from the nesting boxes. He'd better watch out because if I catch that little scoundrel he'll soon become a flattus rattus fuscipes!
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