Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Chook Poo on your Shoe

We have this little place in our garden we fondly call the 'chook nook' and it's where our four chickens live. We made it last year using mostly recycled material and it has become an essential element of our Permaculture system. Applying the principle that every element supports many functions we tend to our chickens, provide  them with food, water, shelter and a happy healthy life and they in return provide us with eggs, manure, compost material, a soil aeration service, pest management and companionship. They are an integral part of a sustainable cycle that works to create a richer habitat for our plants which in turn provide us with food and food for the chooks as well.

One of the key functions of our small flock is to provide us with eggs for food. Just like our fruit and vegetables, it’s a very good feeling knowing exactly where our produce has come from, how it’s been grown and how those plants and animals have been looked after throughout the process.  Somehow this is very comforting and is one of the very reasons we’ve gone back to a simple way of living.

But looking after chooks, feeding them, tending to their health and cleaning their pen is a commitment and don’t let anyone tell you it isn’t. Owning any animal requires some work and we tend to our chooks every morning as part of a daily routine.
For those of you who might be thinking about getting some chooks, I’ve come up with a list of a few hard and fast rules to think about before you take the leap.
  • Don't get chooks (or any pet) unless you genuinely have the time to take care of them. They are entirely in your hands.
  • Once you have taken on an animal you are responsible for it for the rest of it's life. Make sure you have a backup plan for when you go away or if you start to wonder what on earth you were thinking. It happens. But unlike an icecream machine, you can’t just shove it in the back of the cupboard and forget about it!
  • You must provide the essentials. The absolute minimum is clean water, ample food, adequate shelter and protection from predators. You (and your kids) will be devastated if there’s carnage and with good planning and design this can mostly be prevented.
  • You need to have a plan in the event there is an outbreak of disease or you get a sick bird. Check beforehand that your local vet can or will deal with chooks or birds in the event one of them needs immediate attention or even worse, needs to be put down. Of course this is something none of us want to think about but you need to be prepared because there is no excuse for unnecessary suffering. Unfortunately chooks and birds can be sick long before you realise and often by the time you do, it’s already too late.
  • Read and learn as much as you can about looking after chickens and how to recognise when there’s a problem.
  • You'll need to get a minimum of two chooks. They are social animals and it’s cruel for them to be alone.
  • And finally, are you prepared to deal with chook poo on your shoe!
Most people will think this is all just common sense but you know what, as an animal lover and working with native animals in my job, I’ve come to realise that in some cases common sense does not exist! People can get themselves into all sorts of trouble owning animals and I’ve seen my fair share of ugly situations.

For us the addition of chickens was an easy transition and our animals live like kings. We can't help it, it just happens, just ask our dogs Digger and Shadow. We’ve enjoyed learning how to care for our chooks, getting to know their funny little personalities, working out their hierarchy and for me I’m fascinated in the language of chooks and I think I'm finally onto something. We’ve sorted through some food issues and decided to change their main diet this year to an organic scratch mix which they love. We leave this out for them to range on all day and no, they don’t overeat. Only us humans do that. They also get a variety of vegetable and fruit scraps collected twice weekly from our local green grocer and the odd treat of leftovers or sunflower seeds but these are rationed because they are more like chook chocolate.
On the days we work they spend most of their time in the ‘chook nook’ which is a large fully enclosed pen. The entire front and sides are hard wire which provides protection from our local predators: foxes, quolls, dogs and raptors. The wire also provides good ventilation during our hot summers but also allows the beautiful low winter sun to penetrate deep into their pen during the day. At night as the temperatures started to drop they were quite exposed to the elements so we decided to winter-proof their sleeping quarters for extra warmth and comfort. Kings I tell you!

As chooks have their own downy sleeping bags permanently attached there was no need to go too crazy but a few simple things like adding deeper litter to their roosting areas and nesting boxes and temporarily boarding up the open wire sections to prevent cold air blasting through their perches has made the world of difference, if only to my peace of mind. In the last 4 weeks we've also increased their leafy green intake just enough to keep up with their energy and egg laying needs.
It’s winter in Sydney and we’ve just passed the Winter Solstice so the days are short. Whether it’s just luck or good management I’m not really sure but we smile every day knowing that our hens are happy, are helping us maintain our sustainable cycle and as a bonus are giving us 3 golden eggs a day. I can’t help but think…how lucky are we!
Stay tuned for my next post when I’ll tell you how we went about introducing new chooks to the flock.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Xanadu for Hens

Stickybeak and Noodle are our two 20 month old Isa Brown chooks. They've been living with us for 6 weeks now and have produced a total of 61 eggs between them. That's incredible and we couldn't be happier. Noodle is the most reliable layer, she's curious and confident and seems to have sharper eyesight but Stickybeak is definitely the boss chook. She tends to be a little more sensitive and has gone off the lay on the odd day here and there, especially when the weather's been hot.
One of our concerns was how our dogs Digger and Shadow would behave within close quarters of the chooks. Much to the relief of everybody, including the chooks, they've been very well behaved and all seem comfortable within each other's company.
Digger the Dog on Chook patrol
Being a working dog, Digger is always alert when around them, waiting like a coiled spring ready to jump at the first command. Shadow is much more relaxed and happily walks around in their pen, helping with the chores, seemingly oblivious to their existence.
When we started to realise how much chooks actually eat, I knew we'd never be able to keep up with their insatiable appetites and we didn't want to rely totally on pellets, so we decided to approach our local green grocer for scrap greens and anything else suitable they were throwing out. It seems that I'm not the only one taking advantage of the enormous volume of fruit and vegetable waste that gets dumped each day as they keep prepared boxes out in the back cool room so I just swap the box over each time. On the days I've missed out,  they're more than happy for me to go through the bins stored under the shelves in the shop. It's where the offcuts are thrown as the shelves are packed and presented for sale and there's lots of goodies in there.
Free chook goodies, slugs and all
As you probably already know, we don't have a lawn at our place so our chooks aren't able to freely range in our backyard, not unless they're under direct supervision. And that has it's problems because they can't be trusted! Not that they'll take off but because they'll peck wildly at lettuce, beans and anything tempting along the way and before you know it, they've shredded the plants to death.
For some time I'd been thinking about creating a temporary release area for them and finally came up with the simple idea to use cheap hessian and star pickets. We already had a stack of stakes and the hessian was about $35 for 10 metres, 2.8m wide.
After belting the stakes into the ground and cutting the hessian into 2 strips 1.4m wide, it was easy to temporarily attached the material to the stakes with some string. We propped a folding wire gate that Chris found in the October Council cleanup against two of the stakes as a door and within about 10 minutes, we created a pretty neat, simple but effective day release area. We call it the 'Summer Palace'.
The Summer Palace
It's a gorgeous shady area with a spectacular view and we've put their mower catcher in there and of course there's always fresh water.  The chooks go in there most days after work and I can see them from the kitchen window. It provides a change of scenery and a safe area where they can stretch their legs and scratch through the layer of leaf mulch and humus and they love it.
That is of course until Noodle Houdini discovered she could go under the hessian where it was loose and before I knew it the two of them were making a B-line for chook Xanadu, our herb garden!
Heads down tails up
It was their excited chortling that gave them away, I watched as the two cheeky chooks disappeared behind the lemon balm, thyme and basil with fluffy bottoms high in the sky. I imagined this is where the saying 'head down, tail up' came from.
One of my colleagues, Dani is a brilliant animal behaviourist and ran a city farm in Sydney for many years. At one stage she was required to breed chickens for demonstration purposes and after a while became quite an expert on chook behaviour.  When I told her we were getting a couple of chooks the first thing she told me was that I'd have to train them to follow me so that I'd always be sure they'd come when I called them, especially given we don't have fences. Well I've learnt that chooks don't just take off like a dog on a scent, unless of course there's a dog on their scent, but they can get easily distracted in their hunt for food and before you know it they can be a few garden beds away, buried up to their ears in worms. So Dani's simple instruction was to get a small shaker, like an empty drink bottle, fill it with a special seed mix, and whenever you need to get their attention, shake the bottle and call 'chook, chook, chookie' or something like that.
Following the shake and call
But like a dog, you must reward them every time so that they always associate the sound of the shake and call with food. It took me no more than 2 short sessions to train them and I can now lead them from their 'Chook Nook' along a garden path, up a series of steps and into the Summer Palace which is about 30 metres away. And who said chooks were dumb!
The actual egg count should be at least 63 eggs in 6 weeks as we've discovered 2 remnant egg shells: one in the Summer Palace and one on a ledge in the Chook Nook. We must have missed the one in the Palais which I found sitting under the little compost tumbler. It seemed to have collapsed with all the rain we've had this week.  But I'm particularly suspicious of the one I found yesterday in the Chook Nook as it had sneaky rat fink written all over it. I suspect it's a little native rattus fuscipes or bush rat because he's managed to carry the egg about a metre from the nesting boxes. He'd better watch out because if I catch that little scoundrel he'll soon become a flattus rattus fuscipes!